Northwest Flying Inc
Canada Address:
Box 6 Nestor Falls
Ontario Canada
P0X 1K0
USA Address:
PMB 293 1801 2nd Ave
International Falls MN
We are located approximately 65 miles north of the Fort Frances-International Falls border crossing. Canada Customs can be cleared at either Rainy River or Fort Frances.
After clearing customs take Highway 11 west, turn north onto Highway 71 until you reach Nestor Falls.
For guests traveling by air, scheduled airline service is available from all major cities to Minneapolis where there is a connection to International Falls.
Limo service from International Falls is available, we are only a 1 hr drive from the airport.
North Air Taxi Fort Frances 807-274-5301
Citi Cab International Falls 218-283-8635
For those traveling by private aircraft, Nestor Falls has a 3,800 foot paved air strip about 2 miles from our airbase. Give us a call on 129.10 to arrange a pick up.
Float plane Pick up can also be arranged out of Fort Frances. Call for details.
Freq 122.8 /
129.10 Company
Nestor Falls, Ontario, Canada
49.1403° N, 93.9169° W, 1195 ft
Toll Free (800) 461 2126 - Office (807) 484 2126 - Cell (807) 272 6023